KWL - What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I learned

KWL Chart


Student Reflection, Accessing Prior Knowledge



A KWL chart is an old tool that allows a student to tap prior knowledge and reflect on new knowledge.  It is a simple tool and can be very powerful if on-going and used with regularity.


How To

Have students fold papers into thirds vertically or use this wonderful resource created by fellow teacher Andrew.  At the beginning of a lesson or concept unit, have students fill out the "What I Know" and "What I Want to Know" column.  As students learn throughout the unit, have students revisit the second and third column and add "What I Want to Know" and "What I Learned".


Uses in the Open Court language arts program

For teachers who use the Open Court language arts program, you recognize the features of the KWL chart in the Inquiry Journal.  As an alternative to the Inquiry journal pages or in addition to, you can use the KWL chart.  If you use the KWL chart as a whole class, you will scaffold student's use of the Inquiry Journal.  If you use the KWL chart instead of the Inquiry Journal pages, you would have turned what is basic worksheets into a graphic organizer, which is a powerful learning tool.  In addition, you can post the KWL charts on your Concept/Question board.